Veterans Signed Up To Date

Click here to view a list of all individual names and families that are on the wall.

To find the location of a name on the wall, please follow the steps below:

1. First, find the person(s) name on this list.
2. Next, you will need to find the graphic that they are listed under and then the column-row.

Example #1: Aadland, Roger W is located under the Carrier ship graphic, 1-1 (1st column of names, 1st name down)

Example #2: Adamek, James L is under the 1st Family(Knadle) 3-15. The 1st tablet of Families, his name is in the Knadle Family, 3rd column and the 15th name down.

Once you find the name you are looking for in the list, click here to view images of the monument and find names on the wall.

Lists are in PDF format.